Charitable Giving

Cardel Homes Ride of a Lifetime: Kids Cancer Care

Cardel homes - Rode of a lifetime

On the 11th day of Christmas, Michael Pate, our Senior Wealth Advisor and Portfolio Manager, nominated Kids Cancer Care.  

Why? “Supporting Ride of a Lifetime for Kids Cancer Care beautifully merges my passion for cars and racing with a noble cause,” said Michael. “I was thankful to have the opportunity to drive young cancer patients and their families on the racetrack, which allowed them a fun break from the difficult battles they are fighting against a horrible disease.”

“The smiles on the kids’ faces were priceless. The funds raised go directly towards crucial treatments, research, and programs aimed at improving the lives of these brave children and their families, making it an incredibly meaningful way to drive towards a brighter future for them.”

Please follow along on our LinkedIn page and our website as we highlight a new charity every business day until December 22nd.

From the entire team at the Baun & Pate Investment Group, we wish you and your family a very Happy Holiday Season and Prosperous New Year.

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