Alternative Areas of Focus

In addition to Personal investors, our professional services and financial expertise extends to and includes Institutional investors. Some of the types of organizations we have worked with include:

  • Not-for-Profits
  • Charitable Entities
  • Foundations
  • Corporate Investors
Team stacking hands

With these types of groups, there are often significant hurdles to overcome in the management of investable assets. The Black Financial Group has dealt with many of these concerns for past clients. Working with your other key advisors, we can provide further guidance in the establishment or management of your assets.

In addition, ongoing support is provided in the areas of both investment and risk management to ensure your primary objectives are met on a go forward basis. From detailed stress tests on investable assets to regular review and analysis with key personnel, we take a very hands-on approach to your asset management and compliance concerns.

Finally, we ensure that our detailed tax packages can cover any filing concerns. A detailed breakdown of Investment Income, Dividends, and Capital Assets are available to comply with your tax professionals’ requirements.

Contact us today to arrange a confidential, no obligation review of your investment portfolio and financial plan.

Here's What You'll Get:

  • A market correction stress test on existing holdings
  • Breakdown of current investment/management fees
  • A tax efficiency analysis
  • Future tax liability discovery
  • Review of your existing written financial plan
  • Last but not least, we’ll tailor a customized proposal based on your financial goals