When it comes to personal finances, professionals often find themselves in the unexpected position of managing several complex financial priorities while simultaneously working to develop and manage their practices or businesses. Our professional clients include:
For individuals within these groups, major areas to consider and issues to manage include the organization of their full-time practice, settling student and/or business debt, buying or selling a business, creditor protection, potential liabilities, establishing a corporation, retirement planning, funding a primary or secondary property, education planning for your children, and more.
The Black Financial Group employs an all-encompassing approach to your wealth management to ensure that all your priorities are properly addressed, and your needs met. Based on our extensive work within this industry, we have the expertise to help develop a holistic plan that meets all your and your family’s needs.
It’s not about what you earn, but what you can save – and the establishment of a Professional Corporation can help you achieve these goals. Along with our select tax-efficient strategies that are designed to efficiently reduce taxes, we can explore what returns will properly meet your investment goals.
Accumulating assets within your corporation may defer tax in the near term, however our steady investment strategies can assist in compounding returns for long term financial independence. The importance of compounding investment returns while seeking to defer tax is an opportunity that should not be overlooked.
Our thorough discovery process first focuses on understanding what is uniquely important to you, then on exploring your retirement and investment goals. This allows us to properly identify your vision for the future. There are many aspects to retirement that go beyond just the numbers, including both emotional and psychological transitions that take place. Whether the day is fast approaching or you’re a few years off yet, we will ensure our plan covers all your goals for your “Third Act” or whatever you decide to begin in your retirement. We will be there for you and your family every step of the way.
A goal for many successful professionals and business owners is to minimize tax. A key component for achieving this goal is the development of a tax-efficient investment strategy that can effectively assist in managing your current practice while keeping an eye on the future.
In close consultation with other key advisors (Tax & Legal, etc.), The Black Financial Group works to assist our clients with a personally tailored and customized tax-efficient strategy designed to reduce tax liability.
“Sometimes life takes you on unexpected paths, and those paths aren’t always in the same direction.” (Jonathan Scott)
Circumstances can change, often rather dramatically and overnight. Consideration of “what if?” is often deferred or ignored, until it happens. Being proactive about possible circumstances rather than just reacting when issues arise, can mean a world of difference for you and your family’s well-being.
Looking toward a detailed insurance strategy can ensure proper coverage in conjunction with you overall financial situation. When combining this with a detailed financial plan, the proper insurance tools can be used as a form of risk management, as a means of protection from financial loss.
After a long and successful career that you have worked hard to achieve, while also following our plan, it is now time to enjoy the independence of the next chapter in your life – retirement!
This transition marks the deserved enjoyment of all your plans – enjoying vacation property, travelling the globe or perhaps gifting wealth to your loved ones. Whether retirement is around the corner or still several years away, we’ll be there to make sure that you enjoy the benefits of your life’s work and that your customized financial plan allows you to enjoy all the things that you want to do.