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Bishop, Michalkow & Tozer

True wealth is your ability to live the kind of life that you want, to reach the goals that you have set for yourself, your family and your business, and to create a legacy for the future that reflects your values. Our top priority is providing you with solid advisory expertise and access to a team of experts who can help create solutions—from wealth planning and investment advisory services, to estate planning and insurance strategies.

Forward-Thinking Solutions

Our solutions are tailored to your unique situation to bring you peace of mind, now and for the future.

Platinum Private Portfolios

A monitored, unified, managed account with access to world-class money managers diversified across geography, sector, and investment type.

Advice + Managed Platform

A holistic approach that combines advice from a registered portfolio manager with discretionary wealth management by advisors who meet high industry standards.

Traditional Brokerage

A commission-based brokerage option for clients who want to participate in their investments, whether corporate new issues, syndicated capital raises, individual stocks or bonds.

Latest News


July Market Insights: Navigating The Dual Revolutions

Mark Twain once delivered a sobering reminder of humanity’s tendency to disregard transformative ideas while allowing misconceptions to persist. As we stand on the precipice of two seismic shifts—the AI revolution and an impending fiscal storm—his words resonate profoundly.

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Market Insights June

June Market Insights: The Grand Chessboard

In the complex arena of global finance, as in geopolitics, strategic positioning can be just as crucial as raw power. This insight comes from Polish-American diplomat and political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book The Grand Chessboard, which offers a compelling parallel to the world of investing. Brzezinski’s analogy paints a vivid picture where nations are likened to chess pieces, with their geographic locations and potential weaknesses playing a pivotal role in the grand strategy of international relations.

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Experience + Independence

Our founding team at Wellington-Altus Private Wealth has a comprehensive perspective on wealth management. They represent years of expertise, consistency, stability and trust.

Holistic Wealth Advice

Wellington-Altus Private Wealth advisors are entrepreneurs who value an independent approach to investing and wealth management. It’s an approach that puts clients first.