Fundamentally, there are two ways to manage money. Those who manage from a Risk perspective and those who manage from a Return perspective.
When managing from a return perspective, you tend to be retroactive in thought and fail to avoid future headwinds.
When managing from a risk perspective, you tend to be proactive to the things that may come your way and be better prepared.
We manage from a Risk perspective. It allows us to maintain that proactive approach while eliminating fixation on a particular bias.
We take a ‘top down’ Global investment approach.
We first analyze the various geographic regions, asset classes, then Sectors of the economy and their relation to appropriate benchmarks and indicators.
Then we decide on how to ‘weight’ these allocations in the construction of our portfolio.
For fixed income, we rely on the expertise of the worlds largest Bond managers in a steady, sustainable actively managed bond portfolio.
We believe the most consequential decision you will make is not a particular investment, or tax-efficient strategy. Instead it’s the advisory team you choose to work with for the next 20 years.
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