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November Insights

September 2024

Demographics = Destiny There is much discussion of the slowdown in China, with many pointing at the overinvestment in the housing market, debt, and a

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Insights featured 1

August 2024

The volatility of the past few weeks marks the return of bad news actually being treated as such by the markets. For a long time, any indication economic malaise was viewed positively as it increased the odds of near-term rate cuts.

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Insights featured 3

July 2024

See article number two for a deep dive here. The theme of the big getting bigger absolutely dominates the market at the moment. Historically, these types of trends have ended very poorly indeed. That said, while earnings may not be keeping pace with valuations (i.e. the stocks certainly look pricey), today’s tech giants are certainly growing faster than almost anyone imagined companies of that scale ever could.

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