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We are sure you have heard enough about the U.S. election at this point, so we will spare you any further opinions and/or red shaded maps.
Instead, some interesting data on house prices around the world which shows the impact demographics can have on depreciating assets. With declining/aging populations, house values tend to decline over time (see Japan). We have a massive supply issue in Canada, so we certainly don’t intend to imply something similar is likely to happen any time soon. That said, with immigration policy in stark focus, one should always keep an eye to demographics.
An Interview with John Graham
We were fortunate enough to have CPPIB CEO, John Graham, speak at our annual Capitalize for Kids Investors Conference last month. The event has now raised well over $20M in support of the youth mental sector, and we couldn’t be more thankful to speakers like John who generously give their time each year.
John is the perfect example of the horsepower of Canadian pension funds. At over $630 billion in assets, CPPIB effectively touches all corners of the investment universe and requires some very smart public servants behind the wheel.
Markets will go up and down. Just stay invested.
This was Never Easy: A Brief History of Nostalgia
Another classic from Morgan Housel. Everything discussed here falls into the intuitive category, but only once you have heard it. Morgan has a rare way of bringing clarity to everyday topics, in this case showing how the past was in fact just as unpredictable as the future.
The reason the world seemed like a better place during your childhood is because you were a child.
How to Build Mental Resilience and Longevity
Longevity is the key to success in so many aspects of life. In business, sports, relationships, and even hobbies, a core element of accomplishment is simply time in the arena. It certainly isn’t the only requirement, but it is most definitely a necessary condition. Often people under weigh the value of longevity, and can actually self-sabotage by looking for shortcuts to success.
Success in any large goal comes down to your ability to endure over the long term.
Network Density
A quick read on the value of network effects. This is in the context of a business, but the same rules apply to personal networks.
In a real world network, it is not just more, but more in the right places. Which is why density matters so much.
Gallant MacDonald designs bespoke investment programs for a select group of institutions and families who have made significant contributions to business, public service, and philanthropy.
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