iii Team Photo

iii Global Wealth

The iii in our team’s name stands for investing in inclusivity as well as invest, involve, inspire. These are two mottos that we follow when it comes to helping people achieve their financial goals.

We believe that everyone should have the ability to feel financially secure regardless of the amount of money or state of life they are in. We invest in you and involve you in the process so that you can live an inspired life knowing that you have a plan in place for your goals, dreams and desires. We look at wealth management from a holistic perspective. It doesn’t just involve investments, it involves tax planning, estate planning, family wealth planning and peace of mind solutions. Our intention is to ensure that you have a plan in place for all aspects of your financial life. We are dedicated to your financial learning.

Investing is not only adding money to a portfolio but investing in yourself.

The key to long-term investment success is a tailored financial plan – one that is based on your individual objectives, risk tolerance and time horizon. Our goal is to advise you about every aspect of your financial wealth and offer well-researched information and wise counsel to help you make the right decisions.


Forward-Thinking Solutions

Our solutions are tailored to your unique situation to bring you peace of mind, now and for the future.

Platinum Private Portfolios

Platinum Private Portfolios

A monitored, unified, managed account with access to world-class money managers diversified across geography, sector, and investment type.

Advice Managed Platform

Advice + Managed Platform

A holistic approach that combines advice from a registered portfolio manager with discretionary wealth management by advisors who meet high industry standards.

Traditional Brokerage

A commission-based brokerage option for clients who want to participate in their investments, whether corporate new issues, syndicated capital raises, individual stocks or bonds.

Experience + Independence

Our founding team at Wellington-Altus Private Wealth has a comprehensive perspective on wealth management. They represent years of expertise, consistency, stability and trust.

Holistic Wealth

Wellington-Altus Private Wealth advisors are entrepreneurs who value an independent approach to investing and wealth management. It’s an approach that puts clients first.