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January Market Insights: Is There Something Rotten In The State Of Canada?

In this sequel to Is There Something Rotten in the State of Canada? we delve further into the complex web of monetary and fiscal policies that seem at odds with one another, evoking the drama of a Shakespearean play.
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Trust Reporting Rules

Understanding the New Reporting Requirements for Trusts The New Rules for Trust Reporting: Four Unexpected Scenarios
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Final Thoughts For 2023: Unveiling The Path To A 1.75% Federal Funds Rate

In the realm of economic forecasting, the concept of a trilemma emerges as a thought-provoking framework. This trilemma, which I refer to as the Truman-Gandhi-Churchill trilemma (or the TGC trilemma), encapsulates the perspectives of three influential figures: former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the 33rd President of the United States ...
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Year-End Personal Tax Tips for 2023

Tax planning is a year-round activity, however as 2023 comes to an end, there are several key opportunities to take advantage of available credits, deductions, and savings. Here area few eleventh-hour strategies to consider for 2023:
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Estate Planning: Getting the Details Right

When it comes to estate planning, co-ordination of documents and details such as beneficiary designations matter. A lack of planning and out of date or incomplete documentation can result in additional costs, delays and taxes for your estate, or a loss of control over certain aspects, such as the guardianship ...
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December Market Insights: 2024 Forecast

Ray Kurzweil, computer scientist and futurist, once said, “The past is over; the present is fleeting; we live in the future.” This sentiment echoes through our current moment as we stand on the threshold of an era defined by technological advancement, navigating a myriad of complex challenges and opportunities.
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