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November Market Insights: Riding The Bull In The Midst Of Chaos

In the investment world, volatility and uncertainty often reign, evoking a sense of unease. Remembering the call for 3000 on the S&P 500 Index in late 2022, the recent correction at 4600 might seem unnerving.
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Financial Literacy and Children: Keep it Relatable at Every Age

How can we raise financially confident children and grandchildren in an increasingly complex world filled with distractions? Many of our clients, for example, are concerned that the next generation won’t possess the financial literacy needed to inherit family wealth.
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Tax-Free First Home Savings Account

The First Home Savings Account (“FHSA”) was introduced in the 2022 Federal Budget to address the increasing difficulty Canadians are experiencing in buying a first home due to rising real estate values. The FHSA is intended to help Canadians save and fulfill their dreams of home ownership.
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