It’s been a while since we’ve seen a day where markets opened limit down. What that means is that the stock markets opened so low they were halted in order to stop the drop from being too great. This is a circuit breaker that is used to stop markets from moving too quickly in one direction or another.
These are hard days to stomach to be sure. Everything looks as dire as can be, especially when we don’t follow markets on a day to day basis. In order to put some perspective on things, here are a few questions we can ask ourselves.
- Is the current crisis that we are looking at permanent or temporary?
- Is there anything that our governments can do to help us get through the current challenge?
- Do we have enough to get through this rough patch and on to better times ahead?
- Do we have enough to take advantage of price weakness without putting our own financial lives at risk while we wait for the current situation to resolve itself?
I don’t want to answer these questions for you, and I don’t want to attach charts and quote platitudes that have become so commonplace.
But I do want to say that I am here. I am here to answer any questions or concerns you may have. I am here to help you fine tune your strategy. I am here, even with charts and platitudes if you would like them. ? Actually I have lots of those…
I would like to leave you with a thought that I heard from Catherine Wood today. (She runs our Disruptive Innovation portfolios). When SARS was around in 2003, the genome for SARS was sequenced in 5 months. The Coronavirus genome was sequenced in 2 days…
It will be a bit of time before vaccines are discovered and human trials are completed but progress on the worlds most pressing issue will likely be made faster than many may expect.