Women in the Know

Welcome to Women in the Know

Welcome to Women in the Know, a dedicated space on our website for fostering financial understanding and enhancing your wealth management journey. Women in the Know was born from our belief that women deserve strong advocates in all aspects of life, especially financial management.

Like many women, our financial views and strategies are shaped by our experiences. From our first savings accounts to managing personal investments, navigating market fluctuations, to understanding the intricacies of financial planning, our journeys have been as diverse as they have been instructive. They have not only given us first-hand insight into the challenges many women face but have also solidified our commitment to guiding others along their financial paths.

Whether you’re nearing retirement, standing on the foundation of your self-created wealth, or adjusting to new financial realities after a major life change like becoming a caregiver, divorce, or widowhood, we are your partner. We also provide guidance to those interested in socially responsible investing mandates.

We understand that many people harbor financial fears, particularly about running out of money during retirement. As experienced advisors, we understand this concern and are here to help you tackle these fears. Think of us as your trusted crew, providing the reassurance and expertise to navigate your financial journey confidently.

Our goal is to support, educate, and help you make informed financial decisions that will secure your future.  Together, we can reshape the narrative around women and wealth, ensuring that every woman is in the know.

Susyn, Patti, and Karen

Your Wagner Investment Management Team


Recent Posts

Riding the Waves: Understanding and Navigating Market Fluctuations

This summer’s market behaviour has been quite the ride. If you weren’t closely monitoring your portfolio, you might have missed some of the action. But for those of us paying attention, the global equity markets were anything but dull. By July 31, many of our clients’ equity holdings had hit their highest points of the year, only to sharply dip shortly afterward.

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