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Q1 2024 Newsletter

Click here to read our Q1 2024 Newsletter.
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December Market Insights: 2024 Forecast

Ray Kurzweil, computer scientist and futurist, once said, "The past is over; the present is fleeting; we live in the future." This sentiment echoes through ...
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Market Insights October 2023

October Market Insights: Is There Something Rotten In The State Of Canada?

In the grand theatre of Canadian economic governance, a clandestine struggle is waging, echoing the dramatic narratives of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, once ...
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Q4 2023 Newsletter

Click here to read our Q4 2023 Newsletter.
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September Market Insights: The Fed’s High-Wire Act

The adage, “Discretion is the better part of valour,” has never been more pertinent as the U.S. Federal Reserve cautiously navigates between the perils of ...
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August Market Insights: Unveiling The Crystal Ball

In early 2021, I presented a thesis regarding the latest inflation episode and its potential economic implications. At that time, I shared a perspective that ...
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