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August Market Insights: Unveiling The Crystal Ball

In early 2021, I presented a thesis regarding the latest inflation episode and its potential economic implications. At that time, I shared a perspective that ...
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Q3 2023 Newsletter

Click here to read our Q3 2023 Newsletter.
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Coastwood’s Support of YANA Charity

Please join me as I bike across Vancouver Island in Sean’s memory to support Yana - an incredible local cause close to Seanie’s heart.
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Q2 2023 Newsletter

Click here to read our Q2 2023 Newsletter.
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April Market Insights: It Looks Like This Holy Fool Was Right, What Now?

Since 2020, I’ve been one of the few holy fools that put forth the thesis that aggressively raising rates into a highly levered global economy ...
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March Market Insights: Fire and Ice – The Fight Between Inflation and Deflation

What’s a More Significant Risk, Inflation or Deflation? “Some say the world will end in fire, some say ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire, ...
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