Julie Shipley-Strickland Wealth & Risk Management


My Favourite New Year Success Tips

My Favourite New Year Success Tips

Starting off a new year most likely means having your sights set on new goals and dreams! Like anything, in order to get there, you need to set yourself up with a great plan of action. It’s the little habits that can make a big difference. You may see a few of the same tips that I’ve shared before, but that’s only because I think they’re SO important. Without further ado, here are my favourite simple tips I’d recommend for setting yourself up for success in 2024!

  1. Review & reflect

If you haven’t done so already, grab a cup of your favourite coffee, have a seat and take some time to reflect on your 2023. What did you accomplish? What do you want to improve upon? Celebrate your wins and prepare for all the places you want to go in 2024.

  1. Put aside a little bit of money each month

Pick a period of time (every other week, every time you get paid, etc.) and put aside a little bit of money during that period. If you set aside a specific sum of money on a consistent schedule, it’s much easier to achieve consistent growth over time. I like working with my bank to set up an automatic transfer from my chequing account to my savings account, that way I barely have to think about it. Set it and forget it.

  1. Find an activity that brings you joy

Balance is key to happiness. Your work-life ratio might not always feel equal, but as long as you have balance, you’re set. That could mean 40:60, 30:70, etc. For me, integrating movement into my days through a Barry’s workout, Rumble class or outdoor activity helps me to feel grounded and motivated. We all need a little breathing room. Pick something that works within your lifestyle – it could be painting, exercising or reading. Your choice!

  1. Protect yourself

It might not be the most fun to think about life insurance or critical illness insurance for example, but it’s an important step that should be taken in order to set yourself (and your loved ones) up for success during difficult times. The proper risk management in place can make all the difference.

  1. Spend time with your support system

Pour into those relationships – the ones that fill up your cup and help you to feel energized, even when you don’t have much to give. I greatly value quality time with my family and friends, both when I’m at a high and a low. Those are the people who will be there when you need to lean on someone or celebrate a milestone accomplishment.

  1. Review your bills and look at your money regularly

Although it’s easy to not look at your credit card statement, bills, etc., it’s important to stay on top of your bills and savings so you can see the progress that you’re making. You don’t want to miss a fraudulent transaction or a big win. Give yourself a pat on the back when you check regularly and see your progress!


Here’s to 2024 success! 🥂For more tips on keeping your finances balanced, along with some financially fun resources, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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Insurance products are offered through Strickland Financial Group Ltd. which is a separate company and not an affiliate of Wellington-Altus Private Wealth.

