Julie Shipley-Strickland Wealth & Risk Management


Is the Purchase Really Worth It? A Senior Wealth Advisor’s Guide to Black Friday & Holiday Shopping

As Black Friday approaches, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of discounts and limited time offers. But instead of impulsively grabbing deals, taking a more tactful approach can bring long-term value—especially when viewing purchases as investments, not just transactions. Repeat this back, “This is an investment, not a transaction!” This mindset, rooted in financial mindfulness, transforms how we shop, helping us prioritize items that align with our values and financial goals. Here are some questions that you can ask yourself when approaching a new purchase during this busy holiday season.


Is this an investment or is it just on sale?
Before making a purchase, I always ask myself if it enhances my life in a meaningful way. Is this item something that could serve as a durable, lasting asset, or am I drawn to it simply because of the discount? I encourage you to think about your purchases this way moving forward, not just during big sale season! Distinguishing between an investment and a sale-driven impulse buy is key to Black Friday shopping that supports your wealth-building or savings goals.

Have I been thinking about this item for a while?
Intentionality starts with planning. Have you had your eye on this item for a while, or did the deal just catch your eye? Shopping with a purpose—whether it’s a well-researched tech upgrade or a timeless piece of furniture—ensures that your purchases reflect thoughtful planning, not short-term impulses. I have several close friends who maintain a list of current “wants.” When they feel they have some room in their budget, they revisit their list and see what fits. Rather than just shopping around, maybe go back to your wish list to research if any of those items are on sale during Black Friday, Boxing Day, etc.

Is this a high-quality product?
I’ve talked about it above, but Black Friday can be a great opportunity to snag items you’ve genuinely wanted but were waiting to buy at the right price. Do you need another fast-fashion jacket that may wither in a few months, or can you purchase one that is better quality and longer lasting? Planned purchases often bring a deeper sense of satisfaction and utility than something hastily picked up in the checkout line.

Also, pro tip on the note of Christmas presents, this is a great time to check off your list! If you plan ahead and brainstorm your holiday gifts before the sales hit, you could get some of your presents for friends and family at a reduced price.

Is it within your budget?
Finally, like any other investment or purchase, staying within budget is essential. Does this item help contribute to your personal goals, or is it better to put the funds aside and continue achieving your financial goals? A thoughtful approach to Black Friday can lead to financial benefits long after the sales end.


On that note, here’s to a fulfilling and financially mindful Black Friday shopping experience. By approaching purchases with intention, we can enjoy the season’s best deals without compromising our long-term goals. Happy shopping! Don’t forget that I’m always putting up important financial tidbits and updates via my Wealth With Julie Instagram.

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Insurance products are offered through Strickland Financial Group Ltd. which is a separate company and not an affiliate of Wellington-Altus Private Wealth.

