
Estate Planning Using Trusts: Not Just for the Ultra Wealthy

As you review your estate plan, have you considered the use of a trust? Trusts are often seen as a tool used by the ultra wealthy. Yet, there may be benefits for individuals with more modest wealth positions that justify the associated costs, which can generally run in the thousands

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Just Right

As some of you know, I purchased a 40 year old sailboat last October.  Given its age I spent the spring cleaning, scrubbing and prepping so that she was ready to go when the weather improved (never would I have guessed in October that I was setting up the perfect

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Eye on the ball…

My wife and I have an awesome new puppy dog named George, he is a Cockapoo and just over a year old. He has energy to burn and he has developed the craziest obsession with balls, a black and red basketball, in particular. He literally quivers if he sees us

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Muddled, Choppy or Downright Miserable

Alright enough already! We are all growing tired of how muddled the weather has been this year. I for one am growing increasingly frustrated with trying to plan days to get my boat in the water, only to have the forecast change what seems to be six times a day.

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Cereal Guy

Confession time.  I am a cereal guy.  If it wasn’t for my wife Sheila, Shreddies would be the main staple in my diet.  Oh, and also a cold beer every now and then.  I also confess that I do not do the grocery shopping in my household, and if I

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Stack and Pivot

Nope, not a fancy workout routine or new Netflix feature, just two of the most valuable actions that we at MPWealth have been working so hard at to bring to your investment experience. If I were to boil it all down after my 25 years with our clients, what they

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Buffett, Icahn and the Canada Pension Plan

All of the above are similar in that they have achieved extreme investment success over a long period of time, have direct access to the best financial analysts and tools, and have significant resources that have been dedicated to their investment objectives.  Who would not want to invest like the

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On the other hand…

I have been washing my hands so often and using a spray of disinfectant so many times every day that my hands both hurt. I’ll take that consequence without complaint; we are all sacrificing and changing behaviors to protect each other in the throws of this Covid barging into all

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Rolling the dice on multiple levels

Rolling the dice on multiple levels, that truly is the current state of affairs. From both a health and economic front that is exactly what we are doing – where we do not want to do that is your investment portfolios. For retirees/investors looking for capital preservation and for many

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The opinions contained herein are the opinions of the author and readers should not assume they reflect the opinions or recommendations of Wellington-Altus Private Wealth. Assumptions, opinions and information constitute the author’s judgement as of the date this material and subject to change without notice. We do not warrant the completeness or accuracy of this material, and it should not be relied upon as such. Before acting on any recommendation, you should consider whether it is suitable for your particular circumstances and, if necessary, seek professional advice. Graphs and charts are used for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect future values or future performance of any investment. The information does not provide financial, legal, tax or investment advice. Particular investment, tax, or trading strategies should be evaluated relative to each individual’s objectives and risk tolerance. All third party products and services referred to or advertised in this presentation are sold by the company or organization named. While these products or services may serve as valuable aids to the independent investor, WAPW does not specifically endorse any of these products or services. The third party products and services referred to, or advertised in this presentation, are available as a convenience to its customers only, and WAPW is not liable for any claims, losses or damages however arising out of any purchase or use of third party products or services. All insurance products and services are offered by life licensed advisors of Wellington-Altus.