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Smoking Bulls

A podcast creating conversations on investment, finance trends, business strategies, and a lot more gripping topics for the curious entrepreneurs.

About Us

With over 47 years of combined experience, business partners Dave and Tyler reflect on their learnings on entrepreneurship, technology adaptation, and relationship-building as their way of keeping in touch with past, present, and future clients, as well as fellow business enthusiasts around the globe.

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Our stories are built by and with the people around us. Whether it’s business or personal, find a story you can relate to and take part in by listening to our weekly podcasts!

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Meet The Hosts

Tyler Cockbain, CFP, CIM

Coming from a sociology background, Tyler showed interest in the field of financial planning to create a revenue stream and design his own business – successfully pursuing 19 years of metier in wealth advisory. With this promising career, one thing stands out for Tyler – entrepreneurs CAN have fun.

Dave Cooper, CFP, CIM

With over 28 yrs of experience in portfolio management and investment, Dave has built an impressive track in independent advising with his background in finance and economics. Throughout his journey, Dave never forgets to look back on what matters most – family, lifestyle, and purpose.