Tower Wealth Advisory

At Tower Wealth Advisory, we provide comprehensive wealth advisory solutions for affluent individuals and business owners, using our unique wealth navigation approach. We strive to provide clients with a one-of-a-kind experience, bringing their visions to reality.

Forward-Thinking Solutions

Our solutions are tailored to your unique situation to bring clients peace of mind—now and in the future.

Platinum Private Portfolios

A monitored, unified, managed account with access to world-class money managers—diversified across geography, sector, and investment type.

Advice + Managed Platform

A holistic approach that combines advice from a registered portfolio manager with discretionary wealth management by advisors who meet high industry standards.

Our Belief

We believe clients should work with a network of professionals who work together to provide the best financial, tax, and legal advice. As your investment advisors, we will coordinate the solutions involving your tax, investment, insurance, and estate planning needs.

Experience + Independence

Our founding team at Wellington-Altus Private Wealth has a comprehensive perspective on wealth management. They represent years of expertise, consistency, stability and trust.

Holistic Wealth Advice

At Tower Wealth Advisory our planning philosophy has always been “planning before product”. Many advisors sell products or investments in place of a plan, hoping that the performance is sufficient enough to keep clients happy.

We start by gaining a deep understanding of our clients’ vision and their current financial situation. This allows us to develop comprehensive plans that are customized to each clients’ unique needs. We produce plans that are flexible, so that when changes occur, the integrity of the overall plan can be maintained.

Through quarterly reviews with clients, subtle changes are seamlessly integrated into their plan. At Tower Wealth Advisory we are willing to put together financial plan recommendations with measurable and quantifiable results that are directly tied to clients’ goals.

To begin navigating your financial future, the first step is to book a meeting and start your journey towards financial peace of mind.