“All models are wrong. Some models are useful.” — George E. P. Box, statistician
The Fed
Secular Themes To Watch In 2023
Secular themes will continue to evolve and shape how investors construct portfolios in 2023. As the effects of exogenous shocks dissipate, secular themes will take center stage.1. Deglobalization
Globalization is evolving, it’s not over. Regionalization will slowly take hold. The adjustment of global supply chains has been ongoing for decades and will continue.2. Demographics
Millennials control the narrative. A new generation is setting social norms.3. Population growth and immigration
Similar to the 1870s, the labour market will remain tight, resulting in central bankers staying vigilant on keeping inflationary expectations well anchored.4. NetZero
Development of a noninflationary transition strategy to net zero. Canada and the USA benefit from exporting liquefied natural gas.5. Digital revolution not over
Web 3.0, AI, blockchain, space, health care.Earnings And Interest Rates In 2023
Our Three Scenarios Are As Follows:
1. Hard landing
3600, $227 in earnings at an S&P 500 multiple of 15. Rates rise into early summer, no rate cuts in 2023.2. Mild recession
4400, $232.53 in earnings at an S&P 500 multiple of 19. Rates rise into late spring. Rate cuts in late fall.3. Soft landing
4800, $236 in earnings at an S&P 500 multiple of 20. Rates pause late winter or early spring. Rate cuts in summer.The Fear Of Another Inflation
Top 10 Predictions For 2023
— James E. Thorne, Ph.D.
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