Women in the Know

Conversations with a First Time Home Buyer

Conversations with a First Time Home Buyer I’m passionate about financial literacy and find that many young people lack an outlet to discuss personal finances. ...
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Giving While Living

Giving While Living:  Key Areas to Consider Before Making a Gift With the rising cost of living and economic challenges facing younger generations, more people ...
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My Money Story: The Financial Cost of Infertility

It is estimated that, on average, one in six Canadians experience infertility.  I am one of those Canadians and wanted to share my story. It ...
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Moving in together

Moving in Together: Financial conversations to have before you start packing.

Diverse forms of relationships have always existed and living together is a common step. Discussing money might not be exciting at this stage, but knowing ...
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Financially Savvy Children

Raising Financially Savvy Children: Teaching the Next Generation About Money

When I reflect on my path in the world of finance and investment management, I am always reminded of my extraordinary mother. In the mid-70s, ...
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My Money Story: How a Summer Vacation Shaped my Future

Summer days bring back childhood memories, and 1969 was one of my more memorable ones.  My father changed careers from running his own accounting practice ...
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Susyn Wagner

My Money Story: The Debt Consolidation Trap – A Tale of Financial Missteps

Over the past many years, I've accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience in the financial industry. But, like many others, my journey to financial ...
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The Value of a Prenuptial Agreement – Lessons from A Financial Advisor’s Notebook

Throughout my years as a financial advisor, I've been privy to a variety of personal finance narratives. A recurring theme that often gets overlooked is ...
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Welcome to Women in the Know

Welcome to Women in the Know, a dedicated space on our website for fostering financial understanding and enhancing your wealth management journey. Women in the ...
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My Money Story

My Money Story: Keep Your Credit to Yourself – A Cautionary Tale

I’ve been in the finance industry for over 20 years, so one may assume that I have not made any mistakes when it comes to ...
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