Hannay Group


Professional guidance for your wealth: Our team represents the top tier of wealth management, so you can be sure your financial strategies are personalized, closely monitored and comprehensive. Our team believes in making the world a better place one client at a time, by helping them realize financial success through achieving their goals sooner.

Why Wellington-Altus?



Our independence allows us to be objective and impartial. Wellington-Altus is ideal for independent advisors and clients who don’t want the constraints of large corporate systems and requirements.


Clients come first—not sales quotas, not quarterly targets, not profitability minimums. Each client is unique, and so are the solutions they receive. Our advisors are free to do what’s right for every client, every time.


With an entrepreneurial culture, we’re better at business because we’re a firm built by advisors, for advisors. Our agile approach to technology means we always have the best platforms and solutions for our clients and advisors.

Flexibility in
our Solutions

Tailoring solutions to clients is what we do. With Wellington-Altus, we give clients different pathways to achieving Peace of Mind.

Advice + Managed Platform

A holistic approach that combines advice from a registered portfolio manager with discretionary wealth management by advisors who meet high industry standards.

Platinum Private Portfolios

A monitored, unified, managed account with access to world- class money managers diversified across geography, sector, and investment type.

Who We Help

Your Financial Needs as a Retiree

Your Financial Needs as a Business Owner

Your Financial Needs as a Professional