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An Added Layer of Protection For Investors: Nominate Your Trusted Contact Person

Download PDF Version Here With a rise in sophisticated cybercrimes and with increasing concerns over the financial well-being of investors, especially as we age, the ...
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Combatting Higher Prices: Finding Ways To Deal With Inflation

Download PDF Version Here As the theme of inflation continues to dominate the financial headlines, investors may be wondering what steps can be taken to combat rising prices. Higher inflation has been more persistent than many expected, largely driven by the anomalies of the pandemic — most significantly on the supply side, due to supply chain and labour market issues still lingering from the economic shutdowns. Now, we may be facing continued headwinds as a result of the conflict in Europe. Consider, also, that inflationary expectations can help to drive inflation.¹ Perhaps the most extreme case in recent times belongs to Zimbabwe. People were so accustomed to expecting higher inflation that it became somewhat self-fulfilling. In 2009, Zimbabwe’s inflation rate hit 230,000,000 percent. Prices would change by the minute, but the country kept printing money. At the height of their economic problems, they issued a one hundred trillion dollar bill — the largest denominated note ever circulated. When the Zimbabwean dollar was abandoned as the official currency, the hundred trillion dollar bill was only worth about US$0.40.² Of course, we don’t expect similar hyperinflation. It is likely that inflationary pressures will temper as things return to normal. However, there’s little dispute that inflation is here, at least for the short run, so consider these ways to help deal with inflation. Don’t overlook the merits of being invested. History has shown that over longer time periods (and even despite short- term volatility), equity market returns outperform inflation.3 This is a good reminder of the merits of staying invested. Now may be a great time to review your finances: do you have available contribution room in a TFSA or RRSP, or funds sitting idle that could be invested to benefit your future? ...
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The RRIF: Four Things You May Not Know

If you have yet to reach the retirement age, consider the opportunity to think ahead to the time when you will eventually access retirement funds. ...
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Tax Season is Here: Consider These Ways To Be Tax Savvy

Spring is here again and with it brings personal income tax season. Many of us feel we pay too much tax and there may be actions we can take to help minimize these liabilities. This may be especially important in these times of high inflation. Here are some ideas: Download PDF Version Here Consider professional tax support — The support of tax professionals can help to ensure your tax planning takes into consideration current ...
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Navigating Uncertainty: Keeping Perspective During Volatile Times

Recent market volatility has prompted some investors to rethink their perspective on risk. However, reacting to short-term market fluctuations is not usually advised. Instead, we ...
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Time: The Investor’s Great Ally

It has been said that “history is just one damned thing after another.” This may be particularly fitting today. For many of us, there has ...
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April Market Insights – Detonating a Tactical Financial Nuclear Weapon: A New Financial World Order?

“With proper tactics, nuclear war need not be as destructive as it appears.” — Dr. Henry A. Kissinger The Ukraine/Russia crisis has highlighted a historic ...
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Estate Planning & Trusts: Not Just For The Ultra Wealthy

As you review your estate plan, have you considered the use of a trust? As you review your estate plan, have you considered the use ...
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A Rising Rate Environment: Five Reasons for Investors to Keep Perspective

Five Reasons for Investors to Keep Perspective  As we move forward towards a return to “normal” from the pandemic, the central banks will be raising ...
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Estate Planning Law: Ontario Residents — Changes Are Forthcoming

As always, change is imminent! Ontario will be seeing some notable changes to estate planning law starting in 2022, as a result of Bill 245 ...
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Human Emotion and Investing

How Cognitive Bias Can Affect Investing Why do investors sometimes fall into the trap of buying high or selling low? Why do many of us ...
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Finding Income in a Low-Rate Environment

How do we help our clients prepare for income in retirement? In today’s low-rate environment, this continues to be a challenge.Thirty years ago, we could ...
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The Timeless Wisdom of Warren Buffett

We may all benefit from some investing perspective as we enter into 2022. Who better to draw on for that wisdom than one of the ...
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Investment Perspectives

Invest at Market Highs? Time is the Great Equalizer When is the best time to put new money to work in the markets? After equity ...
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Retirement Planning

Get Ahead with These Six RRSP Considerations It is Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) season once again! Beyond the importance of contributing to the RRSP ...
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January Market Insights by James Thorne: The Year of the Fed

The Maradona & Cantillon Effects: 2022 — The Year of The Fed! Download this article as a PDF. “I am Maradona, who makes goals, who ...
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Investment Insight – Winter 2022

Continue Looking Forward  As we begin another year, may we continue to look forward with the hope that the worst of the pandemic is behind ...
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Market Insights 2022

Reasons For Continued Optimism The year 2021 will likely go down in the record books as an impressive one for equity markets. As such, some ...
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