
2021 Federal Budget Commentary – Advanced Wealth Planning Group

Economic and Tax Highlights from the 2021 Federal Budget “The truth is that the tragedy of COVID-19 has created a window of opportunity.” On April 19, 2021, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland delivered the Liberal government’s first budget in over two years. The

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Market Insights The 2020s: A Roaring Repeat?

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby Depicting a period of dramatic social, technological and economic change, The Great Gatsby, set in 1922, is often seen as a somber critique of the American Dream. Jay Gatsby

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“Vincit qui patitir.” – Latin proverb (Rough translation: “He who endures will conquer.”) After a year that few could have predicted, we look forward to a year that, for many, couldn’t have come soon enough. For 2021, we forecast another good year for risk assets. By the end of 2021,

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Importance of Having a Financial Quarterback

Imagine you are part of a football team – all working towards the same goal, but no one has communicated the game plan. That’s what not having a finance expert in your corner is like. The chances of scoring that ‘touchdown’ and reaching your financial goals are slim compared to

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